Yuliya Kryventseva

Email: yulyakriventseva@gmail.com
Phone: +38 050 440 36 24 , +38 050 440 46 24
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish

Education: two university diplomas 1998, 2003; regular long term training programs for upgrading my qualification in group methods, coaching, supervision, organizational consulting.


I’m a certified business skills trainer, mentor- trainer, facilitator,

organizational consultant, coach

Starting from 2003 I successfully design and perform complex, multy-moduled soft skills training and consulting projects for participants from different levels of organization, facilitating strategic and action planning team sessions; managing organizational consulting and assessment projects.

My practice is based on strong knowledge and business landscape understanding gained in the cooperation with international and local organizations: production, automotive, customer service, be2be, retail, IT, agro sector, insurance, and banks, NGOs in Russian , English and Polish languages in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Baltic States.

While working with the  group I’m focused  on managing group dynamics to let participants create their own way of implementing and developing of obtained skills to gain the goals of the project. I ask questions and build communication with the group to show the participants the bigger picture.  My clients say I practice innovative, smart, motivating, clearly structured style of delivering training and developing projects. 

I see tools and ethics of supervision and coaching in organization as inspiring  and complex practice to integrate my expertise  and create deep and meaningful experience for organizations.

My aspiration is to make supervision and coaching in the organization the main domain of my professional practice.
