Shcherbyna Nataliia

Phone: +38 050 335 94 94
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian

Coursework theme:
Use of supervision and coaching tools for preventing and overcoming the consequences of professional burnout in the organization

Abstract: The coursework presents: a theoretical summarizing, argumentation, and model for solving the problem of prevention and overcoming the consequences of burnout in the organization. The approbation of the model was held based on the social service of Ukraine.

The difficulties of clients’ life situations, the low social status of the “social worker” profession in society, the lack of a well-established system of supervisory support of specialists lead to the accumulation of “compassion fatigue” and general work stress. All this contributes to the deployment of the burnout process among professionals. Proposed in the coursework author’s supervisory program aims to overcome the stigma of the phenomenon of “professional burnout”, promotes active awareness of the impact of interpersonal relationships in the team both on the deployment of burnout and on the contents of this destruction. The result of approbation of the proposed correction program is to reduce the level of burnout and anxiety of social workers, which indicates its effectiveness and relevancy of using tools of supervision and coaching to prevent and overcome the effects of burnout in the organization.

Psychologist (National Pedagogical Dragomanov University)
Trauma Therapist (REGENT UNIVERSITY (the USA – Ukraine) – School of Psychology & Counseling. International Postgraduate Program in Counseling and Trauma Therapy
Family Systems Therapist (UUAP)
Trainer of socio-psychological training (Kyiv school of trainers of socio-psychological training (SPT))
Systemic coach, supervisor (ANSE-Standards).

Professional orientation:
Supervision of organizational and team interaction (group and individual work)
Management consulting; consulting of business partners (head – deputy)
Prevention and overcoming the consequences of burnout
Development and implementation in the organizations the Employee Assistance Programs: mental health and emotional wellbeing for business

Training specialization: effective communication in business (sales pieces of training – 4 levels of complicacy; personnel management – 5 levels of complicacy)managing time and procrastination; overcoming the effects of professional stress – burnout (integrated approach)

I am trusted by: International Renaissance Foundation, UNIQA, Prosto-Strakhuvannia, Kvazar-Micro, Farmak, Radio Melody, AXA-Insurance, EUROlife care, European Business Association, SANOFI, Porsche Finance Group, Topiar, “Cyfral – Service – Ukraine”, Avtosojuz, etc.
