Hoianiuk Mariia
Email: mariaveresen@ukr.netPhone: +38 066 920 45 52
– Teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology, a guidance counselor in preschool education (1992, V. Stefanyk Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute)
– School psychologist-practitioner (1993, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training at Ivan Franko National University of L’viv)
Additional competencies and qualifications:
– Client-centered psychotherapist (1994-1999, Truskavets School of Psychotherapy, EAP certificate: European Association for Psychotherapy)
– International School of Nonverbal Coaching (2016-2017)
– Supervisor/coach (2013-2018, educational course ‘Supervision and coaching in the context of organizations’ (according to the standards of the Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe – ANSE).
Areas of activity, experience, current activities.
– Psychologist, psychotherapist, business trainer, system coach, and supervisor in organizations.
– Teaching therapist, the supervisor in the field of person-centered psychotherapy (according to С. Rogers), lecturer at the Ukrainian Psychotherapy University (UPU), member of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy (UUAP) and the Ukrainian Society for Supervision and Coaching (USSC), member of the Educational Board in the Section of Person-centered psychotherapy of UUAP.
– Experience in working as a regional trainer in the financial sector (insurance companies, bank); conducting pieces of business training on the following topics: sales techniques, effective communication, customer service, time management, leadership, team building; development of training programs for business needs.
Areas of counseling:
Educational, healthcare, social projects, small and medium-sized business.
Counseling formats:
Coaching, pieces of training, moderation, facilitation, supervision in the context of organizations.
I believe that everyone has the resources that help in moving forward, developing, achieving desired. In my work, I help clients as well as support them in their willingness to meet their needs of development and career growth. I use the methods and approaches I received during my education and work experience.