Sliusarenko Viktoria
Email: viktoria.sliusarenko@gmail.comPhone: +38 050 673 75 72
Languages: Ukrainian, Polish, German
Education, competencies, qualifications:
1996 — diplomaed philologist-translator (LNU)
2006 — diplomaed psychologist-lecturer (LNU)
2014 — certified group analyst (IAG)
2018 — certified supervisor and couch (USSC/ANSE)
2019 — a certified practitioner of group dynamics/ group dynamics practitioner (ÖAGG)
2022 — certified group dynamics trainer (ÖAGG)
Areas of activity, approach to the work:
Translation, teaching, and practical activities in educational projects related to psychology, psychotherapy, coaching, supervision, and organizations’ consulting.
Organization and management of educational projects for adults; drawing up training programs according to the expected competencies.
Training and supervision in budgetary, educational, and public organizations.
Individual and group system coaching in small and medium businesses.
Conducting psychoanalytic, psychodynamic groups.
Combining systemic and analytical vision by taking into account group dynamics and context.