Kit Vilena

Phone: +38 050 668 61 09

L’viv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Economics, ‘Manager of the Organizations’;
L’viv State University of Internal Affairs, Faculty of Psychology ‘practical psychologist’;
Ternopil’ Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies, Department of Development Psychology;
Psychoanalytic Institute of Mental Health, ‘psychodynamic (psycho) therapy approach to psychotherapy’;
Internship at the People’s University of Gothenburg (Sweden) under the program ‘Labor and collective relations in migration processes’;
System section of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy in cooperation with NaUKMA, Certified advanced training program according to ANSE standards ‘Supervision and coaching in the context of organizations’.

Areas of activity, work experience:
Staff assistant, adjustment of work processes, selection of personnel in the international company ‘EuroVest’ (2003-2005);
personnel process management, support for the organization of research of Ukrainian markets for the consulting company ‘ProCon Development’ (2006-2009);
experience in psychological counseling, individual coaching in the field of professional practice, and state, commercial, public, and supervising international organizations in the private practice.
Some accomplishments within the program ‘First step to the profession’ for those entering the labor market, graduates of educational institutions; skills of team building, interaction in the work team, rotation of employees, conflict management.
Elaborating issues of ineffective cooperation in the ‘superior-subordinate’ situation.

Types of counseling, counseling approaches:
In the format of supervising organizations: professional support for ensuring establishment and development of quality communication and cooperation in professional contexts; supporting decision-making processes on relevant professional issues;
support in overcoming challenges in difficult professional situations and conflicts;
assistance in clarifying and developing an efficient attitude to work tasks, functions, and roles;
support in processes of changes and their management; supporting innovative solutions in the situations of new challenges;
preventive measures in avoiding mobbing and burnout.

In the Coaching format:
advising people in leaders’ positions;
performance of leadership roles;
development of personal efficiency and productivity; supporting change processes and problem situations.
Negotiation moderation;
support, coordination, facilitation.
Methods of work: psychodynamics and systemic approaches.
