Huriievska Valentyna
Email: hurivval@gmail.comPhone: +38 095 255 41 15
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
PhD in Public Administration, psychologist, coach, supervisor, blogger, member of the Ukrainian Union of Supervision and Coaching.
A specialist in long-term consulting, managerial, scientific, supervisory and coaching activities regarding personality development and the application of modern psychological technologies in the process of management activities.
I want to obtain a position as a psychologist, coach, supervisor in your company.
Basic education:
– 2003 – 2005. National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, PhD in Public Administration.
– 1998 – 2000. Poltava V.G Korolenko National Pedagogical University, department of Psychology, Master’s Degree in Psychology.
Additional education and qualifications:
– 2022. BSW – Brain Stimulation Wellness in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Hyper-Anxiety.
– 2022. Gothenburg, Sweden: “Secondary trauma in the work of a psychologist in the conditions of war”, Lilja Cajvert.
– 2017 – 2021. ÖAGG supervision and coaching; specialization: “System coaching, change management, organizational culture (E. Schein), etc.” Austrian Association of Group Therapy and Group Dynamics ÖAG, ANSE – Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe, member of UUSC – Ukrainian Union of Supervision and Coaching.
– 2016 – 2018. Theory and practice of supervision. Lviv Psychoanalytic Institute of Mental Health.
– 2011 – 2015. Deep Democracy Institute International Portland. Training seminars: Facilitation for multi-stakeholder dialogue.
– 2015 – 2019. Higher School of Psychology, Ukrainian Association of System Rankings, French School of System Rankings. Educational seminar-training Colin d’Aubrey (France) “Method of constellations”.
– 2012. Deep Democracy Institute: Facilitating large diverse groups.
– 2007. Theoretical and supervisory project of the section of systemic family therapy of the UUP.
– 2010 – 2011. FORGE, and EAP, European Association of Psychotherapy, St. Petersburg Institute of Coaching and Organizational Development in the direction: “Coaching in work with organizations”.
– 2004. Educational course: “Project Management”.
– 2003. The Higher School of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, educational course: “In-depth interview: theory and technology”.
– 2001 – 2006. European Association of Psychotherapy, Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists in the field of systemic family psychotherapy.
– 2001 – 2002. Modular course “Innovations and supervision in the social sphere” of the School of Social Work of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
– 2000 – 2001. School of Social Work of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, module course “Practical Psychology and Social Work”.
Work experience:
- More than twenty years of practical experience as a psychologist-consultant, coach, trainer and supervisor.
- Eleven years of scientific activity, associate professor of the Department of Public Policy of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University; Associate Professor of the Department of Parliamentarism and Political Management of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
- The author of training programs “Coaching as a leadership style”, “Coaching as a management competence”, “Psychological aspects of corruption”, “Stress management”, “Psychological training for a manager” etc.
- The author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodical works, training manuals and textbooks, of which 8 were published in foreign publications, and 22 in scientific specialized publications of Ukraine, in particular, two of them are indexed in international scientific and metric databases.
- Participant of the NADS competition “Best practices of implementing educational innovations in the professional training system of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials and deputies of local councils” (third place, 2020).
- Director of the Khorolsky District Center of Social Services for Youth.
- The author and manager of the project: “Education of gender culture of youth”, which was supported by the Canadian-Ukrainian Gender Fund.
- The All-Ukrainian Charity Organization “Convictus Ukraine”, IFES Ukraine, Secretariat of the Central Election Commission, Transcarpathian Regional Center of Social and Psychological Assistance (Crisis Center), Swiss-Ukrainian project “DESPRO – 2016” (for heads of united territorial communities) of the School of Local Self-Government, Lokhvytsia community, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Fiat Lux, FGL Energy and others.
Professional skills:
- Scientific publications in scientific journals included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine and Scopus.
- Author of the manuals and educational courses.
- Actively participate in conferences.
- Conducting trainings, seminars, psycho-correctional consultations, coaching sessions.
- Experience working with international companies and organizations.
- I am happy to cooperate with those who strive for development
Special skills:
- Native Ukrainian, Russian – C1, English – at the conversational level.
- Computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C: Enterprise).
Interests & extra information:
- Meditation, Ayurveda, veganism, drawing, travels, good books.