Novytska Tetiana
Email: tanovytska@gmail.comPhone: +38 050 419 35 55
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Higher education by specialty:
mathematics, finance.
Ph.D. (Candidate of Science in Public Administration).
Professional path:
For 15 years, I worked in various positions in public authority bodies, including the highest bodies of State executive power (Ministry of Economic, National Bank of Ukraine).
For 20 years, I worked in large financial market companies, including 15 of them as a top manager of banks and insurance companies.
Additional competencies:
ToR for the facilitator, I studied at the Bill Stepls (Canada) and Larry Fillbrouk (Malaysia) classes; PIN-Point facilitator – a Kopanytsia Nadiia class, ‘School of Involving Technologies’ (Школа технологій залучення).
Certified coach (Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe ANSE (Vienna). I continue my studies, specialized in supervision.
I study non-verbal coaching with Stuart Heller (USA).
Certified mediator (certificate of the IHK Academy Munich (Мюнхенська ТПП) and the Ukrainian Mediation Center). Co-author of the program Mediation of the Partnership.
Areas of activity, experience, current activities
Business consultant, member of the Ukrainian Association of Management Consultants CMC-Ukraine.
As a consultant and facilitator, I work with companies on strategy development, business modeling, budgeting, the organization of sales departments, and recruitment. I work with civil servants of the highest and first categories in the Ukrainian School of Governance of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service.
Types of counseling, counseling approaches
I specialize in working with the founders and leaders of newly established businesses, coaching teams.